Thursday, March 11, 2010

Eyes on Jesus

As we approach the Easter celebration and commemoration of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection I’m encouraging us to "fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God," (Hebrews 12:2). I've given an example below. I'd like to hear from any of you if you have an example. They don't have to be as long-winded (yawn) as mine. But, hey, how is it working for you to remember to "fix your eyes upon Jesus?"

I was invited to join the team at The Lord’s Pantry last week. The Lord’s Pantry distributes food to about 150 needy families per week. This is a big operation that is staffed 100% by volunteers. It is run by Dale and Elsie who are well enough advanced in years to have great-grandchildren. They have been doing this every week for 20 years. You might want to pause and think about that for a bit.

Here’s what it looks like. At 6:30 a.m. on Friday mornings the sawhorses and plywood are set up for an assembly line in the fellowship hall of a generous church in Commerce City. Canned goods are pulled from the storage room. There is a pile of 300 loaves of bread that was donated that morning. 1500 pounds of flour is on the way. Someone is rounding up a bargain on fresh produce.

For the next couple of hours groceries from different sources, and people, drift in. It is a merry band. Everyone pitches in dividing up the food to make precisely 154 bags of groceries, which is the number of households they are serving that day. Some of the volunteers will be beneficiaries. Most of the bags are delivered to shut-ins in the immediate neighborhood. A volunteer leads in prayer and we bag groceries.
Bob and I leave to deliver 32 bags of groceries. Bob has been doing this for a long time. He is a Commerce City native and a retired school teacher. Our stops are brief, but Bob exudes genuine care to every single person. He makes each visit personal. He knows everyone by name, their history, their circumstance in life, their family. Every recipient can’t wait to see Bob. They love this man.

I can’t help but think of Jesus telling us that when we serve the least of these we serve Him. I can’t help but remember that James said that pure religion includes taking care of widows in their distress. I don’t know what a worship service or a Bible class would look like with these 40 volunteers from a lot of different congregations, but it looked like church to me. It was being with Jesus. It was great.

By the way, a corporate sponsor is matching any donations made to The Lord’s Pantry in March and April. You might want to talk to Dale or Elsie Quillen about that.



  1. The Elementary school recently raised money to send to the people devastated by the earthquakes in Haiti. We challenged the kids to do a penny (one cent piece) drive and bring in as many coins as they could within 5 days. I was intrigued to see what my students would do as there were no rewards or incentives for them to bring in money. I was shocked that each day my class filled up their piggy bank to overflowing! At the end of the week we raised 193.49 Euros solely in cent pieces! It was amazing. I excitedly told my students how much they had raised and several of them looked upset. I asked them why and one little one piped up, "Miss Brunker, there are so many people that are hurting so badly. They need to know we love them and that God loves them. They need more to help them know that." I was almost in tears by this comment. My class understood helping people in Jesus' name and even though they did wonderfully and exceeded all expectations the elementary staff had they were still a bit discouraged. This comment led to a wonderful discussion about how we can continue to help people even if we cannot give them things like money or hugs or Bibles. We can always talk to God and pray for people in need. "Pray with all of our heart" as one of my precious kiddos said. I was so proud of them because they really understood it deep down in their souls!

  2. Chuck,
    Do you have a link for The Lord's Pantry, or Dale and Elsie Quillen. If there is a corporate match - how do we give? Thanks!
    @Amanda and Carrie - It is so awesome to realize that children understand giving so well! It is truly humbling.

