Thursday, October 29, 2009

10-28-09 The faith to pray

I'm quite taken with the parable of the persistent widow these days (Luke 18:1ff.). Jesus tells us that He shares this parable so that we will persist in prayer. In the parable He observes that even if an unjust, unloving, godless judge is pestered long enough, that judge might eventually give in and grease the squeaky wheel. Then Jesus concludes with this somewhat enigmatic line, "But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?"

Jesus is reminding us that God is the opposite of an ornery, uncaring, unfair judge. The opposite.

He is fair.
He is caring.
He is, above all others, godly.
He is not ignoring a single prayer.

He is the perfect one to Whom we make our appeal. Am I relying upon that?

Is God finding that faith on earth in me?

I think so. Just a mustard seed's worth, but that is enough. I will persevere in prayer.


1 comment:

  1. I needed to hear that encouragement today! He knows what I need, and has never forgotten me.

    Also, am I listening to and praying for what is on His heart?
    He wants the best for me and my family.
    He wants us to Love - action verb.
    He wants us to Care about/for the widows (persistent or not) and the orphans.

    This takes some time to do, to listen first and then act, and I am out of practice I fear.
