Friday, August 27, 2010

Must Reads

I'm part of a group of people asked to compile a list of 25 books every Christian should read. That sounds like an intriguing, albeit, impossible challenge. I could use some help. Send me a title or two that you have found to be must reading.

I find some help by thinking in categories.

Nouwen's The Return of the Prodigal is so good on forgiveness and acceptance.
Lewis' The Problem of Pain addresses the universal questions about pain and suffering.
Lewis' novel Perelandra paints such a strong picture of the awesome goodness of God's creation, the horrid ugliness of human pride, and the painful beauty of redemption.
Fosters Celebration of Discipline introduces the reader to the grace of spiritual discipline and a host of references to great Christian writing over the centuries.
Tozier's The Pursuit of God is simply inspiring.

I can list others, especially older books, that have mattered to me, but are challenging for the modern reader to tackle. Do I list those? Well, I'm not sure.

So, please give me some help. Send me some titles that you think every believer should read.



  1. I would say:

    "Know What You Believe" and "Know Why You Believe" by Paul E. Little.

    These are foundational type apologetic books that even seasoned believers would benefit from.

    Also, "Victory Over the Darkness" by Neil T. Anderson

    or "Waking the Dead" by John Eldredge

    for cementing your realization of your identity in Christ.


  2. oohhh. I love stuff like this! Here's a couple which have been really important to me lately:

    Dallas Willard's "Divine Conspiracy" - esp. Chapter 4 on the Beatitudes. He helps me learn how to live RIGHT NOW in the midst of the eternal life I received when I accepted Jesus. His treatment of the Beatitudes shows me how these verses aren't just a strung together bunch of disjointed confusing stuff Jesus said, but a SERMON with a beginning, middle, and end that makes sense (finally!).

    In our Women's Spiritual Formation class we've been reading "Practicing His Presence (The Library of Spiritual Classics, Volume 1)" which is a compilation of Brother Lawrence's Practicing the Presence of God and Frank Laubauch's Game of Minutes. Simple language, not so simple to do, but life transforming stuff for me.
